Overwatch 2s Intergalactic Smuggler Ashe skin is grossing us out

If you’re looking for a new cosmetic ahead of your next game, you might want to avoid using the new Overwatch 2 Season 4 Intergalactic Smuggler Ashe skin for the Damage hero. Why? Well, if you take the time to examine this cosmetic, you’ll realise that it’s actually pretty gross – definitely more gross than it needs to be. We know an attention to detail is never a bad thing, but Overwatch 2 developer Blizzard has taken things one step too far this time.

If you’re wondering what we’re talking about, allow us to explain. In the latest seasonal update, of which Overwatch 2’s Lifeweaver is like a disruptive Roadhog for Support mains, Ashe mains can find a new skin for the heroine at Tier 50 of the Season 4 Battle Pass. Named Intergalactic Smuggler, Ashe and her companion B.O.B. don alien-inspired outfits – with B.O.B. himself now more of an aquatic extra-terrestrial than an Omnic.

And, in a similar fashion to other Overwatch 2 skins – the good ones, anyway – the Intergalactic Smuggler skin comes with a unique weapon appearance to match Ashe and B.O.B.

While the appearance of The Viper, Ashe’s repeater rifle, is nothing to shout about, the appearance of her Dynamite with the Intergalactic Smuggler skin equipped is an interesting one – but this isn’t why it’s gross. Even the strange alien clinging to Ashe’s back isn’t why. Not really, anyway.

As you can see – and hear – for yourself below, Redditor ‘pogstream’ has shared a short clip of themselves inspecting the Dynamite weapon with Ashe’s Intergalactic Smuggler skin equipped – and it isn’t even Dynamite anymore. It’s some sort of tentacle bomb now, which wiggles and squelches if you move it.

Ashe’s new dynamite is… moist (sound on)
by u/pogstream in Overwatch

When you think logically, this is – we suppose – fantastic attention to detail from Blizzard. However, this is something you’re very unlikely to realise during gameplay. Ashe doesn’t take her time launching this Dynamite at enemies – and it doesn’t have the longest fuse either. In the thick of a firefight, we can’t imagine why anyone would notice its wiggling tentacles – or the sound they make.

If you want to see the rest of the cosmetic, you can check out this showcase from Overwatch 2 content creator ‘CyFyGG’ below. You don’t get the wiggle with this one, so it might be a better one to watch if you’re grossed out like us. It also gives you a great look at the other animated aspects of this cosmetic – like the strange eyeball alien wrapped around Ashe’s hat.

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If you’re more interested in learning a little more about when Pink Mercy might return, we have some bad news. Blizzard has shared that charity events might return to Overwatch 2, but we shouldn’t expect to see Pink Mercy join them. Still, who knows what’s coming in the future – maybe Mercy will get a better skin.

Overwatch 2 still has the potential to become one of the best competitive FPS games out there, and you can read up on new-addition Lifeweaver and his abilities right here.
